
Immediate Post-Earthquake Response

To provide immediate assistance to 9,637 earthquake victims through the distribution of thousands of units of food, household and hygiene kits, water, bache (tarps), sheets, mattresses, and cement. Following several sessions of psychosocial support for our staff, teams were sent out to collect data from the field. They met with leaders of cooperatives, local authorities, and previous project participants to gather information. Upon return, the information was analyzed and a plan was prepared. We discovered that the population had increased by 30% because of migration from the city. We learned that EVERY family was impacted and that its household size had increased as did its responsibility to provide. The survey enabled us to provide appropriate relief. In our strategy, we depend on the participation of local authroities. It is a sound strategy because it is peaceful. Absolutely no incidents were reported. It was noted that in all areas, people complained that many other agencies delivered aid “by themselves” without engaging the local leaders. They also reported seeing many new NGOs that they had never seen before. On the radio, people demanded that aid agencies report where the money is going, what they are doing, and what areas they are working in. The pcH team reflected that if 50% of NGOs would engage in the participatory approach, Haiti would be transformed.

Cost: $181,000 CAD
Term: 2010
Funder/Partner: Foundation for International Development Assistance (FIDA)