
Project CATR (Coopérative Agricole de Terrier Rouge)

To improve the socioeconomic situation of community members in Terrier Rouge through the support of productive agricultural cooperatives. From July to September 2010, farmers organized into rotating work groups and prepared and planted three hectares of farmland. 22 garden beds were prepared for market vegetables, including cabbage and peppers. 121 cooperative members received training in management of the cooperative and cultivation of cabbage, bean, corn, and leek crops. Cooperative leaders received training in accounting and bookkeeping. Crops were harvested and sold, and plans were prepared for future planting seasons. 101 members participated in a General Assembly in which two new members were elected to the Board of Directors and one new member was elected to the Monitoring Committee. The Monitoring and Administrative Committees also received training appropriate to their responsibilities.

Cost: $40,000 CAD per year
Term: Ongoing
Funder/Parnter: Zanmi CATR