Improving Food Security through Agricultural Cooperatives

To improve food security and livelihoods of earthquake-affected populations in Saint Marc and Fon Batis, through the support of agricultural cooperatives. More than 450 farmers from 3 cooperatives participated in…

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Immediate Post-Earthquake Response

To provide immediate assistance to 9,637 earthquake victims through the distribution of thousands of units of food, household and hygiene kits, water, bache (tarps), sheets, mattresses, and cement. Following several…

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Improving Food Security through Livestock and Agricultural Production

To provide a sustainable source of income for farmers in Délis, Breli and Fon Batis through the improvement of livestock breeding practices for goats and the distribution of new seed…

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Food Aid Distribution for HUEH (Hôpital de l’Université d’État d’Haïti) Employees

To promote local production by purchasing locally-grown products from member farmers of pcH-supported cooperatives in Fon Batis and Saint Marc to be used in food aid distributions for 45 employees…

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Post-Earthquake Food Security Response

To improve food security and increase family income through the construction of water cisterns providing irrigation and allowing for growing during the dry season in Fon Batis and Délis. 1,025…

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